Friday, May 20, 2016

200-300 word story about movie.

The movie "When the love Began" is about my journey meeting and falling in love with my beautiful girlfriend. It explains every reason I fell in love with her and how sometimes when you fall in love it's during the most difficult times in your life. I fell in love with her shortly after I moved out of my house at 18. Moving out was difficult at such a young age. Though all the trouble complications i faced trying to establish a life with little to no money, she was always there for me even when i wasn't in the greatest of moods. She was always supportive and caring, she invested herself in me when no one else would. Meeting someone like this doesn't happen all the time, it's one of those once in a life time chances. Something you don't ever want to lose. The type of relationship where even if you're mad and frustrated with the person you'd rather be arguing with that person than anybody else in the entire world. Where every day when you wake up you couldn't possibly be more happy that you can call that person yours. She gave me the one thing I lacked. Hope. She gave me inspiration and passion to do what's best for me and helped me better myself and become who I am today. She gave a new meaning to love. She did this without hesitation all because she saw something in me when no one else did. I couldn't ask for a better relationship. Shes not only my girlfriend but my best friend. It all started when the love began...

Movie poster about myself.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

movie cover summary

These movie covers drew my attention because there close up of a persons face. I think the composition of the faces is what draws my attention. The "Ferris Bueller" poster shows him with his hands tucked behind his head showing him relaxing, implying that the movie is going to be laid-back and comical. The poster of "D'jango Unchained" illustrates Jamie foxx as a dark and tough character with the black and red colors and him smoking makes implements of action, revenge, and adventure. While the "Avengers" poster isn't a close up of a certain person but a collage of all the characters, it shows the action and heroism the movie will reveal.

Thursday, May 12, 2016


The company i'm representing is Abercrombie. The product we are offering is clothing. for teen girls and women. I expect to see this advertisement in malls all around the U.S. I plan to use bright lighting to make the colors of the clothing pop and attract attention. The props I need are just Taylor Smith, she just so happened to be wearing all Abercrombie today.


Tuesday, May 10, 2016

add posts summary

These photos worked for many reasons. I think what makes them most effective isn't really the quality of the photos but what the photos are of. The photo of the muscular guy working out motivates me to want to look like him, to obtain his physique. The Apple add makes me want the latest tech. because I've grown up with technology, so when the latest thing is released it makes me want it.
The photo of the honey and lemon for  "shinny hair" makes me want to use that recipe because it only show the natural, healthy ingredients. Seeing how it's all natural this makes me think that it should most definitely work. The add photo of Micheal Jordan wearing a Jordan sweat band. As an athletic person this photo makes me want to wear Jordan products. In order to be the best best you must wear what the best wears.

add posts

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Dual camera phones

The article explained how most new phones are adding an addition camera to the original single camera. This improves picture sharpness and clarity. The new P9 has engineered a way to include both these camera without the "camera bump" of most other phones. I think this is an amazing feat for phones. It's a way for photographers or people who just like to make photos, to take much better photos with greater clarity and over all quality. I can't wait to see what new ideas smartphone engineers come up with.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Annie Leibovitz

            I thought the article was very interesting, I agree with her when she says that women aren't photographed enough. I think that women should just as easily be photographed as men are. I think that this "new" photograph based on women will draw attention to the females and help with the while equal rights situation. Annie has done a marvelous job at portraying women in many ways whether it be them working or just showing the natural features of women.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Devin Allen- Flikr artist

I think Devin Allen is a wonderful photographer. The reasons i think he is a great photographer is because like he said "when you look at my photos, its almost like you travel back in time". The way these photos were taken, and the time at which they were taken makes the images so incredibly strong. Devin Allen took his photos during the Baltimore Riots this past year. These images were taken in black and white giving the images a vintage look. These images look a lot like the photos from the civil rights movement of the 1960's. Devin photos were unbiased, they showed that the police wasn't always violent. I think this is a good way to take photos, from an unbiased point of view. It doesn't try to influence me to lean towards one side and it gives me the full experience of what actually happened. When Devin could of easily portrayed the police to be much worse , especially because he is from Baltimore. The photos showed rebellion, unity, and peace. Very good photographer.

Monday, February 15, 2016

60 minutes, Rolling Stone

The photo I liked the most was the one of Tupac Shakur. I liked this photo because well for one hes one of my favorite artists, and secondly because the photographer took these pictures expecting it to be the cover of the magazine and it didn't even make the cover when the picture was first released. The photo was put onto the cover when Tupac died. I like how the photographer said that Tupac was very into taking pictures. The picture broke the rule of thirds but i thought it was a very well taken photo is made him literally the center of attention.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

photo of elections

One picture I really liked a lot was the photo of the empty rows of chairs prior to a Donald
Trump rally. I found this image quite comical and the picture is very well taken with the single poster on the ground and no one in the seats. The black and white really exaggerates the photo think.
Another photo I really liked was the photo of Bernie Sanders during a rally on Jan. 31. This photos composition is fantastic. The way the light protrudes around Bernie makes the photo very powerful.
Another photo I liked was the photo of the news papers. I liked this photo because while the top papers were blurred the bottom papers weren't and it really made my eyes wander over the paper. It was very well taken.

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