Monday, October 19, 2015

30 pictures that changed the world.

Cody Welch
3 photo paper.

Martin Luther King, Jr.; 1963
Martin Luther King, Jr. raised his arms as he addressed the crowd in his “I Have a Dream” speech in August 1963. His performance there, and the subsequent photos of the crowds and his address, were a turning point in the blossoming civil rights movement.
24. Man Walks on the Moon; Neil Armstrong, 1969
Neil Armstrong snapped this image of fellow astronaut Buzz Aldrin during the first human trip to land on the Moon. It became a testament to American innovation and dedication.
17. The 9/11 attacks; New York Times, 2001
There are many haunting images of the terrorist attacks of 9/11, but this one of a person standing in a gaping hole of wreckage, with no exit or hope of rescue, is one of the most wrenching.

I chose these three images because they’re all very symbolic. The first picture of Martin luther King Jr. represented the time of civil rights, Martin L. K. Jr. stood up for the rights of all black african americans. Which was a huge part of america’s history. My opinion of this picture is that it is very powerful, because it represents a time in history where everyone wasn’t treated with equality and today even though there is still some racism it’s nowhere near as bad as it was during that period.
The second photo is of  Neil Armstrong. This was the first time man had set foot on the moon. This picture proved one important thing, that man was not bound to earth, that people have the power to do whatever they put their mind to. My opinion of this photo is that it does not have very good compitsition, Neil’s Friend is right in the middle of the picture. It’s not very innovative.  Seeing how the picture is so iconic though, it partially makes up for the lack good composition.
The third picture shocked america dramatically.  The picture is of the 9/11. Most everyone knows of  this event. This is a really impacting picture. This picture is a very good picture in my opinion mostly because the picture is also iconic. This picture shows a person standing in a hole in the building. I think this picture says a lot, without saying anything. i think it shows how things can change very easily in a small amount of time.

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