Thursday, March 24, 2016

Annie Leibovitz

            I thought the article was very interesting, I agree with her when she says that women aren't photographed enough. I think that women should just as easily be photographed as men are. I think that this "new" photograph based on women will draw attention to the females and help with the while equal rights situation. Annie has done a marvelous job at portraying women in many ways whether it be them working or just showing the natural features of women.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Devin Allen- Flikr artist

I think Devin Allen is a wonderful photographer. The reasons i think he is a great photographer is because like he said "when you look at my photos, its almost like you travel back in time". The way these photos were taken, and the time at which they were taken makes the images so incredibly strong. Devin Allen took his photos during the Baltimore Riots this past year. These images were taken in black and white giving the images a vintage look. These images look a lot like the photos from the civil rights movement of the 1960's. Devin photos were unbiased, they showed that the police wasn't always violent. I think this is a good way to take photos, from an unbiased point of view. It doesn't try to influence me to lean towards one side and it gives me the full experience of what actually happened. When Devin could of easily portrayed the police to be much worse , especially because he is from Baltimore. The photos showed rebellion, unity, and peace. Very good photographer.